Frequently Asked Questions


This section of our website will answer questions that we commonly hear from our clients as well as offer some tips on your personal landscaping!

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when is the best time to trim my trees?

The best time to trim trees can vary based on which types of trees you have in your yard. There isn’t one specific guideline that works for every species. Luckily, you can easily follow the steps to trim the particular tree types you own and ensure they look great all year round.

when is the best time to trim palm trees?

Palm tree trimming involves paying close attention to the palm fronds. You might notice that there are quite a few dead or dying fronds through winter, and they don’t look good, but they can actually offer protection through the cold winter months, so we recommend waiting until the spring. When you have trimmed palm trees, they can sometimes get a little irritated, especially if you lop off healthy fronds by mistake. Palm tree trimming is all about getting rid of the dead parts of the plant and letting it develop and flourish.

best time to trim oak or pine trees?

Larger trees can be very impressive, but they’re also hard to prune correctly. The best time to trim these trees is usually fall or winter. There are a lot of diseases that can impact trees, and they’re around in summer and spring more than in winter or fall. This means that open wounds on a tree will make it slightly more likely that you will end up with one of these diseases impacting your beautiful and historic tree.

best time to trim a flowering tree?

Flowering trees can be an excellent addition to any garden, but you need to make sure you think about trimming or pruning them. You need to do this when the flowers fade, especially if the trees bloom in the spring. If you have a tree that is a late bloomer, then you can wait until winter, or even early in the spring, to trim and prune.

Remember that pruning is not just about making the tree look good, though this is a bonus. Pruning is about keeping the tree healthy.

How do I keep disease away from my plants?

With a few DIY techniques

  • Keep your garden clean. Pick up plant debris, remove dying stems or branches, weed the area regularly, and toss the debris in the garbage.

  • Fertilize just enough to keep your plants happy – too much fertilizer promotes weak growth which is susceptible to disease.

  • Wait to plant until the soil is warmed up. Planting to early will put extra stress on your plants and make them more susceptible to disease in the soil.

  • Use mulch to keep weeds at bay and harmful fungi in th soil away.

  • Inspect and remove infected stems and leaves. As soon as you notice signs of disease, carefully remove the leaf o stems and throw it away as soon as possible. y removing disease early on, you can help your plants to continue to grow healthily.

How do I water my new trees, shrubs and flowers?

The basics of watering are simple. Water immediately after planting, let the water soak into the soil, and then water again. During the first week, it’s best to continue frequent watering — either daily or every other day. Following the first week, you’ll only need to water two to three times per week depending on the weather conditions in your area.

Should I install a drip irrigation system or a sprinkler system?

It depends on your situation. Drip irrigation is great for watering small areas, or individual plants alongside your home at a slower pace, but a sprinkler system can cover more ground, quickly, making it ideal for watering entire lawns. It can also be programmed to water during specific time periods, so you can set it and forget it. More advantages of drip irrigation include less water lost due to evaporation or runoff, and that it won’t wash away mulch as a heavier watering can. Consider which type of watering you’d be using it for, and weigh the pros and cons.

Does adding more plants to my landscape help the environment?

Absolutely! Every living plant does its job to filter carbon dioxide out of the environment — one tree alone can remove 26 pounds of CO2 annually, equaling about 11,000 miles of vehicle emissions. Plants also help keep debris and pollution out of our water supply. On top of that, trees that cast shade on your home will keep it cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter, giving your air conditioner and heating units a break. If you’re thinking about planting additional trees, shrubs, or flowers, they will all benefit our environment in their own unique way, so go for it!

How often should I mow my lawn?

It might seem too simple, but mow it whenever it looks like it’s getting too long. The specific length of time will vary based on your grass type, your area’s weather patterns, and how high you cut it. That may be multiple times per week, once a week, or every other week. Keep an eye on it and use your best judgment.

What kinds of landscaping will I need?

One of the first things that landscapers do when landscaping a yard is work with trees. A common problem for most home owners is a large amount of branches threatening to fall and damage their house. After clearing all of the large, dead branches from over the yard, you might find that the additional sunlight immediately adds a new appearance to your yard, as well as protecting what is likely the largest investment that many people make.

Where should I begin if I want to do my own landscaping, lawn care or gardening?

Start your landscaping project in an area where you feel the most comfortable working. Gather some resources to help you with your project by purchasing books or looking online. You might have a specific design plan in mind that changes once you see what previous landscapers were able to do with a similar area. After you known what you want to do, start by developing a plan. Keep a watchful eye on your yard to see where the dry or sunny spots might be. If you find dry spots, those areas might require a bit more attention. Places in your yard that get a lot of Sun might be great places for new gardens.

I’ve heard a lot about color theory when choosing plants and flowers. Can I apply this to my landscape?

From a landscapers perspective, color theory is very important. This concept involves mixing and matching colors to create a complimentary piece of art with your yard. Simply put, colors such as red and yellow are warm colors while blues and greens are cool ones. To create the best color scheme in your lawn, try matching warm colors with other warm colors and cool colors in the same way. Warm colors can be exciting while cool colors are often considered to be calming. So, if you are considering designing a garden for meditation, you will likely prefer to stick to cool colors in your fixtures and flowers.